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Come and take a look around one of the most unusual historical heritage sites in Chelva in an experience that will bring up emotions.

Refugio antiaéreo urbano, the town air-raid shelter on Mª Antonia Clavel street in Chelva, in inland province of Valencia, is an interesting example of our conflict heritage that is well worth a visit. The shelter is open to visitors via guided tour only so make sure you check the times in advance.

The building is nestled up to 8m underground, the depth serving to protect civilians from bombardments and attacks.

The town air-raid shelter in Chelva has two entrances, two tunnels and a room where people would wait until the risk had passed. Merely 180cm high and 80cm wide, the space is tight. Inside, you’ll see details like an oil lamp and a bench. The town air-raid shelter is a fascinating place to visit that might just get your emotions going. After your visit to the Spanish Civil War air-raid shelter, we’d recommend enjoying the fresh air and photographing the public wash houses in Chelva. You can also visit Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles Archpriest Church. Chelva is a destination with plenty to see and the town air-raid shelter is one of the most interesting sights. Start planning your getaway today.