Feste von Tibi


- Tibi
- Kontaktinformationen
- 665016888
- ajuntament@tibi.es
- turismo@tibi.es
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Christmas is full of events like the rodà d'aixames (a kind of handmade esparto torch that is whirled) at Christmas Eve and the Danses de Reis, on 5th, 6th and the next weekend. Later, on 20th of January comes the Mig Any, just to remaind us that it is a half year less to local festivities. In which we can enjoy the cow runs at the streets and a flower offering to Mary Magdalene.
During the Holy Week, the most important events are the Enramaes, which decorate the village with pine branches. Also, the Meeting Procession takes place.
In summer, local festivities come to honour Mary Magdalene. They have been celebrated from 20 to 25 July since the 15th century. In addition, on the 21st the famous Entrà de les vaques takes place, which has been declared a Festivity of Local Tourist Interest.
On the penultimate weekend of October, the Traditional Crafts and Trades Fair of Tibi is held, where typical crafts and products are on display.
Finally, on the Saturday closest to the 28th of November, a Romeria is held at the Casa de la Pedrera to commemorate the discovery of the Sacred Incorrupt Form and in honour of the Nostre Senyor Trobat (Our Found Lord).
*It is advisable to consult the official event information beforehand.