Discover the history of one of Cocentaina’s most popular festivals – Moors and Christians – at Museu Fester.

Located in the province of Alicante, Cocentaina is a friendly town surrounded by mountains. The pretty historic centre has a number of sights and monuments that breathe the past.

Museu Fester, the local festival museum, is a case in point. The building housing the museum is of great architectural value itself: a perfectly preserved house dating back to the time of the Conquest that was consequently converted into an elegant townhouse and later restored. Inside, you will discover the history of local festivals. Costumes, weapons and archives are on display, telling the story of the town’s most famous event: the Moors and Christians Festival.

Make sure Museu Fester is on your to-visit list during your time in Cocentaina. A wonderful opportunity to travel back in time and discover the town's culture and traditions.