Performing arts festivals in the Region of Valencia
The Region of Valencia is a land of festivals and performing arts. Whatever style of music or theatre you enjoy, you will find something for you here. From young and up-and-coming events to renowned operas at Les Arts, the area’s events programme is diverse, inclusive, magical and - worth noting - runs all year round. In this post, we’d like to draw your attention to some of the very best events in the Region of Valencia.
Performing arts festivals in the province of Castellón
The province of Castellón also organises its fair share of festivals and performing arts events. EMAC in Burriana, for instance, is all about the avant-garde. SanSan Festival in Benicasim, meanwhile, offers the latest pop and Feslloc in Benlloc is known as one of the best Valencian language music festivals. And then there is Festival Internacional de Música Medieval y Renacentista in Morella, an event celebrating Medieval and Renaissance music.
Performing arts also get a look in with events such as Mostra d'Arts Escèniques de Castelló, where you can see the latest theatre trends, and MUT!, Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas sin texto, both of which are held in Castelló de la Plana.
Performing arts festivals in the province of Valencia
Let’s round off this post showcasing the wealth and variety of the festivals and performing arts events in the region in the province of Valencia. The capital of the province and the region, València, boasts a world-class theatre, Les Arts. Inside this spectacular building you can enjoy a diverse programme featuring dance, Spanish genres such as zarzuela and flamenco, as well as the finest operas, lieds and symphony performances. The line-up also shines the spotlight on jazz and music from distant lands.
There is also an incredible pop-rock festival, Festival de Les Arts, which is held in the futuristic City of Arts and Sciences, and Sagunt a Escena, a great theatre programme that is held in the ancient Roman theatre.
Am-dram is celebrated at Festival de Teatro Amateur de la Comunitat Valenciana in Requena and Concurs de Teatre "Vila de Mislata". And last but by no means least, dance is in the spotlight thanks to Dansa València.
Performing arts festivals in the province of Alicante
The festivals in the province of Alicante are nothing if not diverse. Low Festival is an incredible music event by the beach in Benidorm, Fresca! is a wonderful theatre festival whose performances take place as the sunsets in Alicante city and Festival Renacentista y Barroco in Orihuela is a music event focusing on Renaissance and Baroque pieces.
And that’s just the start. Montgorock in Xàbia/Jávea is an event rock lovers won’t want to miss and Circarte is a circus festival that takes its performances to different towns and villages across the province, bringing with it boundless magic, excitement and artistry. There really is something for every age, interest and budget.
As you can see, there’s a lot going on in the Region of Valencia! Check out our events agenda and get ready to enjoy some unforgettable culture during your getaway.