Natural pools in the Region of Valencia
The natural pools in the Region of Valencia are an irresistible draw for visitors keen to enjoy the great outdoors. Inhabited by a diverse range of plants and wildlife, these natural landscapes are so beautiful that they’ll leave you lost for words.
Imagine walking down a beautiful trail, with the sun beating down, and finding a natural pool at the end. Jump into the clear waters and emerge fully refreshed. It doesn’t get much better than that. So how about making your very own list of the best natural pools in the Region of Valencia and start exploring our scenery with a towel in your backpack? Keep reading to take a tour, province by province, of some of the best natural pools out there.
Natural pools in the Region of Valencia: province of Castellón
The province of Castellón is home to beauty spots where you can enjoy the biodiversity and dip your feet in icy pools to revive them after a long walk. Salto de la Novia in Navajas is a popular choice where you can take a dip in the refreshing waters. Río Chico in Fuentes de Ayódar is another beautiful place that you will also want to put on your list.
Cirat is home to some inland beaches, such as El Puente and El Molino, also Argelita does it with its charming bathing area of the Villahermosa River and then, of course, there’s Montanejos with its thermal waters that you will want to spend hours in at La Fuente de los Baños.
Natural pools in the Region of Valencia: province of Valencia
Bolbaite has natural pools and swimming spots along the course of the river Sellent. Gorgo Cadena is a particularly beautiful area. In Tuéjar, meanwhile, you can plunge into the waters at Pozo de las Escaleras.
Charcos de Quesa, comprising four natural pools, Charco el Gruñidor in Sot de Chera, Pou Clar in Ontinyent and the river Turia as it makes its way through Bugarra are other beautiful spots to have a swim in inland province of Valencia. You’ll also want to jot down Turche Cave in Buñol, Albufera de Anna and Font Salada in Oliva, which is fed by a spring that keeps the water at a perfect temperature all year round. This list of continental beaches in the province of Valencia ends with Playeta de Chelva, Motor de Gestalgar area and Playamonte Lake in Navarrés.
Natural pools in the Region of Valencia: province of Alicante
Our tour around the best natural pools in the Region of Valencia leads us to Alicante, where Fonts de l’Algar in Callosa d’en Sarrià offers 1.5km of pools, canals and waterfalls. You won’t want to miss this chance for some blissful wild swimming.
In Planes, you can take the waters at Gorgo del Salt del Barranc de l’Encantà, following a hiking route that will lead you to gorges and waterfalls that are the site of legends. Last on this list, though certainly not the last natural pool out there, is El Salt in Jijona where you will share the waters with fish, turtles and crabs. Come and discover these stunning spots that will remain etched on your memory for years to come.