3_PAVIAS_Lagar (Cubos de vino).
5_PAVIAS_Alcornoque centenario.
6_PAVIAS_Lavaderos y Fuente.JPG
7_PAVIAS_Museo Etnologico
1_PAVIAS_refugios guerra civil
4_PAVIAS_Horno Moruno
Imagen2 Pavias
2_PAVIAS_Alto Cueva Santa
que hacer en pavias,
visitar pavias castellon
como llegar a pavias,


Nestled in the province of Castellón is a small village where you can explore fascinating buildings and walk from fountain to fountain. Discover Pavías.

Tie up your walking shoes and get ready to go hiking through landscapes bursting with beauty, culture and history in inland province of Castellón. Pavías is a beautiful village nestled in the heart of Sierra de Espadán natural park

What to do in Pavías

If you’re keen to visit Pavías in the province of Castellón, we’d recommend starting your exploration by taking a stroll around the village. Before too long you will come across the Baroque and Neoclassical parish church and the Moorish oven, located on Calle Mayor, a 15th-century site defined by its arches and an inscription dedicated to Charles III of Spain. 

Not far from the oven is Museo Etnológico de Pavías, an ethnological museum housed in the village’s old dungeon. Here you can see a collection of archaeological pieces and everyday items that give you an insight into what life was like in the village in the past. 

A number of fountains are located in and around the village. The main fountain is part of the wash house, a place where the community used to get together, located close to the road to Caudiel. Other fountains include Fuente de la Cueva Santa, Fuente del Pozo – which is situated in a green space complete with picnic tables – Fuente de Juncosa and Fuente de Artea. 

Just outside the village there is an 18th-century mill and in the hills an old chapel dedicated to San Isidro.

When it comes to hiking trails, you won’t want to miss the one that leads to peña agujereada, a striking feature of the local landscape, as well as Cueva Santa and Cueva Refugio. Different difficulty levels of trails are available, catering to both hikers used to long distances and families wanting to take a leisurely stroll.

Pavías also holds a number of festivals. The festivities taking place the weekend following San Antonio in January are an incredible event in which you can enjoy indulging in congretes, a traditional sweet treat. Later on in the year, in May, there is Feria Celtíbera and the festivities in honour of San Isidro. And in August the whole village transforms in celebration of its patron saint. So come to Pavías and find yourself falling in love with the scenery and lapping up the peaceful atmosphere.


Natural Landscapes
Rural tourism
