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Nature, gastronomy, history and festivals come together in Cocentaina, making it an absolutely fascinating place to visit during your time in the Region of Valencia.
Nestled between Sierra de Mariola and the river Serpis sits the pretty town of Cocentaina. A destination where the historic monuments will take you back to the origins and evolution of the town over the centuries. A destination where nature and gastronomy play an important part in the town’s identity. And a destination that you will love discovering.
What to do in Cocentaina
The best way to immerse yourself in the town’s past is by exploring its incredible monuments. Cocentaina castle is a wonderful place to start. Sitting atop one of the most spectacular hills in El Comtat county, this symbol of feudal power has a Gothic military tower that provides far-reaching vistas over the surrounding area.
In terms of religious buildings, Cocentaina is home to 13th century Santa Bárbara Chapel, which is located in the natural area of the same name, a wonderful place to take a stroll. The town is also known for its festivities, such as the Immaculate Conception festival and La Corriola, a town festival held on the 8 December. During the latter, traditional activities include the ringing of the bells, walks through the local landscapes, drinking from the springs and eating bread rolls and sausages.
The Palacio Condal is a beautiful example of Gothic architecture.
Cocentaina is bursting with history, traditions and festivals. The destination is synonymous with Fira de Tots Sants, an event of international tourist interest, and the highly anticipated Moors and Christian festival, as well as other festivities such as Los Nanos, La Mareta and La Corriola, which have been passed down from generation to generation.
There’s no doubt about it. Cocentaina is an absolute must-visit during your time in the province of Alicante.