jarafuel, valencia
jarafuel, valencia


Jarafuel is a friendly village located in inland province of Valencia. It is nicknamed ‘the village of the fountains’ because – as you might have guessed – there are plenty of places where you can quench your thirst here. Some of the waters even have important mineral properties. Agricultural land bursting with local produce encircles the village, painting a pretty picture of rural life. 

What to see in Jarafuel

If you are interested in Jarafuel’s history and culture, the best place to start your exploration is in the historic centre. Perched on the highest part of the village, this district is defined by steep streets and historic buildings. Callejón de los Mudos will doubtless catch your eye: no more than 50cm wide, it is easily the narrowest street in the municipality.

You should then continue your stroll through La Solana, Peña and Morchón districts. Make sure you don’t forget your camera: the sight of old buildings adorned with pretty flowers will catch your eye and win your heart. 

A must-visit in the municipality is the castle. Now in ruins, Castle comprises two semi-circular towers located in the northern part of the fortress. Recent research has revealed that the castle dates back to the 10th century. You can also see the foundations of the defence wall. It is listed as a Site of Cultural Interest. 

The next point of interest in Jarafuel is Santa Catalina Parish Church. Built in 1689, this Doric style place of worship maintained its original appearance until 1922. It is located in the heart of the village and is the centre of parish life. 

Sitting on the outskirts of the village, close to El Molino pool, is Las Coníferas park. If you love the natural world this is the place for you. A botanic garden opened in 1999 in honour of the great botanist Lorente, the garden has a clear purpose: to grow conifers, as they were none at the time in the botanic gardens across the Region of Valencia. Come along to take a stroll and gaze at over 100 different species of the tree. You can also enjoy a drink in the picnic area while your kids have fun in the play park.  

Jarafuel is a pretty little slice of the Region of Valencia. The perfect destination for a relaxing getaway with your friends or family.​​​​​​​


Country houses
Rural tourism