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Come to the spectacular archaeological site of La Alcudia in Elche and learn about the history of this mythical city in an entertaining and spectacular way.

The Archaeological Site of La Alcudia in Elche, the capital of footwear, is an essential visit if you are near the city of the Palm Grove, the Misteri d'Elx or Mystery of Elche and the Museo Escolar de Pusol or School Museum of Pusol. In addition to these three examples of World Heritage, they have a real archaeological treasure!

There you will be able to see very relevant objects found on the site, which correspond to the location of the ancient city of Ilici.

This site was populated from the Bronze Age until the beginning of the Islamic period, and during the Iberian period it was at its golden era. The discovery of the Lady of Elche or the Torso of the Warrior corresponds to this period. This city was also Roman and Visigothic, and it is estimated that it was abandoned around the 8th century.

The Archaeological Site of La Alcudia can be a great plan to enjoy with the whole family. The visit begins at the Interpretation Centre, where you start a journey back in time, and continues along the wall and the western baths. Afterwards, you will have the chance to take a close look at the Iberian and Roman houses and a public space where inscriptions have been found.

The archaeological site of La Alcudia also includes the Aljibe de Venus, a new set of baths and walls and various domestic structures. In addition, a monument to the Lady of Elche has been erected and the Christian basilica has been protected with a spectacular structure. A great plan to navigate through our history, don't miss it!