Mig Any and Miracle de la Llàgrima Festival

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Mutxamel
- 03110
- contact information
- 96 595 64 41
- 683 58 99 17
- mutxamel@touristinfo.net
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March 1st
A holy day, on this day the people of Mutxamel give thanks to their patron saint, the Virgin of Loreto, for the miracle that took place back in 1545, when, in response to the prayers of their ancestors, she sent the beneficial rain that they so badly needed. The morning offering of flowers that ends with the main mass, together with the solemn procession at night, are the events scheduled for this solemnity, where once again you can hear the sacred music that the parish choir magnificently interprets.
Sunday, February 16
Festive Lunch and Paella, All i Oli and Zurra Competition
10:30 a.m. · Plaça del Mercat
Wednesday, February 19
Parlor Games Tournament: Parcheesi, Chinchón and Cinquet
8:30 p.m. · Casal Fester
Friday, February 21
Blood Donation
4:30 to 9:00 p.m. · Casal de la 3ª Edad
Saturday, February 22
Day of the comparsas Day of the comparsas
7:00 p.m. · Avda. Carlos Soler, usual route
Thursday, February 27
Alborada in honor of the Ssma. Virgin of Loreto
9:00 p.m. · El Salvador Archpriestal Church
Friday, February 28
March Any Closing Concert and Composition Competition
8:00 p.m. · House of Culture
Saturday, March 1
(Commemoration of the Miracle of the Tear)
11:15 a.m. · Flower offering to the Virgin of Loreto, from the door of the City Hall
12:00 p.m. · High Mass
8:00 p.m. · Solemn Procession accompanying the Virgin of Loreto
Sunday, March 2
Mass in Tribute to Deceased Festivities
12:00 p.m. · Municipal Cemetery
Saturday, March 8
7:00 p.m. · Holy Mass
8:15 p.m. · Procession of the Mare de Deu de Loreto under a canopy.
The “Bessá” to the Virgin of Loreto will then take place.