Ornithological route in TABARCA ISLAND

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Precio: 105€ Duración De 9:00h a 14:00h
Fascinating ornithological route to Tabarca Island, a natural paradise in the Mediterranean. Enjoy a round trip in Tabarquera while you immerse yourself in the beauty of this protected island, declared a marine reserve and included in the Natura 2000 Network. Accompanied by an expert birding guide, you will discover the diversity of species that inhabit this unique environment. The marine reserve of Tabarca Island is a protected area of great importance for the conservation of biodiversity. Its location in the Mediterranean Sea and the variety of underwater habitats, such as posidonia meadows, rocky reefs and sandy bottoms, make it a perfect home for many marine species. Observe marine, migratory and native birds in their natural habitat, while learning about their behavior and characteristics. An unforgettable experience for nature and ornithology lovers, book now and be amazed by the winged life of Tabarca Island!

Tabarca is the first marine reserve declared in Spain, and the only one in the Valencian Community. Only 4km from the Santa Pola cape, it is a perfect enclave for the observation of marine birds, with a resident population of shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis). It is an important nesting place for different species of marine and terrestrial birds. Among the seabirds, the Audouin's gull (Larus audouinii), the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) and others stand out. As for land birds, some common species are the common swift (Apus apus), the hoopoe (Upupa epops) and the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Waders are easily observed here and it is remarkable the use that passerine birds make of the island in their migrations. The seabed of the reserve is home to an impressive diversity of invertebrates. The island is also an area of interest for marine mammals. It is possible to spot dolphins, such as the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), which often come to the island to feed and rest.

Embark on an exciting ornithological adventure on the stunning island of Tabarca and discover the diversity of birds that inhabit this natural paradise, all while enjoying a round trip boat trip from the coast of Santa Pola!

Our day will begin at the port of Santa Pola, where we will meet to board a boat (Tabaquera) that will take us through the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean to the enchanting island of Tabarca. During the trip, we will have the opportunity to enjoy the panoramic views of the coastline and perhaps spot some seabirds in flight.

Upon arrival at Tabarca, our expert ornithological guide will accompany us throughout the route and introduce us to the fascinating world of the birds that inhabit the island. With his specialized knowledge, we will enter the different habitats of Tabarca, from its picturesque coves to its dense pine forests, in search of a wide variety of migratory and resident bird species.

Throughout the tour, our guide will point out strategic observation points where we will be able to spot birds such as terns, gulls, shearwaters and many more, while we delight in the natural beauty of the island and its marine environment.

And to recharge our batteries, we will enjoy a well-deserved rest with a delicious picnic in an idyllic setting, surrounded by the peaceful Mediterranean landscape and the singing of birds.

At the end of the route, we will return to the port of Alicante in our boat, taking with us unforgettable memories of a day full of nature, adventure and ornithological discoveries.

Join us on this exciting ornithological expedition and discover the magic of Tabarca Island in the company of experts! Book your place now and get ready to live an experience that will connect you with nature in a unique way, we are waiting for you to explore the world of birds together!

From 9:00h to 14:00h.
4 km.
Port of Santa Pola or place to be agreed in case of requesting transfer.
# Availability
All year
# Services included
Round trip by Tabarquera boat
Ornithological guide during the whole day
# Other services
Transfers (additional price per person on request)
More information

To be determined according to the time of the year. Schedule to be agreed with the client


From 105€