Protected Landscape of Les Sorts Teulada Moraira

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The area of the “Vall de les Sorts “includes lands belonging to the municipality of Teulada, in the Alicante region of Marina Alta. The settlement, whose extension covers approximately 100 hectares, has a series of ecological, landscape & cultural values that have justified its declaration by the Ministry of the Environment as a Protected Landscape.
Geologically, the “Vall de les Sorts “ is located in the Prebetic domain and is included within the Benissa-Teulada syncline area, formed by the filling of marly materials, of Miocene age and lands subjected to an important agricultural use thanks to the intense terracing. of the area.
Its main values do not lie so much in its uniqueness and floristic & fauna richness, but in its great overall landscape value (given the contrast between the flat-bottomed valley and the surrounding undulating reliefs) and its cultural importance.
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