Campaners d'Albaida: Century-Old Bell Ringing Listed UNESCO World Heritage
Published 18/01/2024
Discover the secrets of a tradition that has been upheld for hundreds and hundreds of years. Come to Albaida see a quintessentially Valencian custom in action.
For the past eight centuries, Campaners d’Albaida, Albaida’s Bell Ringers, have been keeping alive the tradition of manual bell ringing in Albaida. This beautiful custom has received special protection by UNESCO, listing it Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
In a practice dating all the way back to the 13th century, Albaida’s Bell Ringers continue to manually ring the bells on a daily basis. In the present-day, the bell ringers are not only tasked with upholding the tradition, but also researching and disseminating the art form. They additionally look after the bells, the matraca, the penella and other elements that are required for the practice to ensure they are kept in excellent condition.
Albaida’s manual bell ringing is regulated by a number of rules, known as La Consueta, which stem from tradition, detailing the different chimes and events that define the liturgical year. La Asunción de Nuestra Señora Parish Church, which has ten bells, is where Albaida’s Bell Ringers do their work. From the solemn ringing of "Els Vols" to the daily chimes ringing for the rosary, funeral processions and the matraca, the bells compose the municipality’s soundscape.
A project is currently underway at the International Manual Bell Ringing Museum, which aspires to be a pioneer in disseminating, maintaining and continuing the manual bell ringing tradition: an adventure that is sure to come to fruition very soon. We’d recommend visiting Albaida to discover this tradition in the destination where it is upheld as well as explore the pretty streets.
Come and be blown away by the art of manual bell ringing by Albaida’s Bell Ringers, a custom that has withstood the passing of the centuries.