Línea XYZ

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Paraje Natural de San José, s/n
- La Vall d'Uixó
- 12600
- Junto a la Ermita de la Sagrada Familia
- contact information
- 964 660 785
- vallduixo@touristinfo.net
- Access the web
Línea XYZ, the XYZ Line, is a valuable part of La Vall d'Uixó’s historical heritage. Located in La Plana Baixa, the destination is perhaps best known for San Josep Cave, an underground space that wouldn’t look out of place in your dreams, and Poblado Ibérico-romano de Sant Josep (Iberian Village of Sant Josep), an Iberian-Roman archaeological site dating back to the 6th century BC. But they are by no means the only reason to come for a visit.
The linear fortification once extended between Almenara and Cuenca for over 150km. It was built in 1938 by the Army of the Second Spanish Republic to stop the advance of Nationalist troops that made the coup d’état that sparked the Spanish Civil War in 1936.
Walking a section of the XYZ Line in La Vall d'Uixó makes an interesting day out, particularly for families. The stretch between Sant Antoni and La Cova is an easy section where you will see trenches, air raid shelters, parapets and other defence structures. Come along to discover a heritage site that has been practically forgotten for the past 80 years.
So what are you waiting for? Walk the XYZ Line to be immersed in nature and heritage that will get you thinking. And the Line is just the start: La Vall d'Uixó has plenty more attractions to keep you busy.