Entrada de Toros y Caballos de Segorbe

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Segorbe
- contact information
- 964 713 254
- 605 961 101
- oficinaturismo@segorbe.es
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Segorbe, an historic town with great heritage sites, is also famed for Entrada de Toros y Caballos, which has been listed an event of Intangible Cultural Interest as well as a Festival of International Tourist Interest. Every day at 2pm for a week, the popular bull event sees fighting bulls and horsemen take to the street.
Thousands of people flock to the town daily to witness the event. The bang of a firework announces the start. A herd of fighting bulls is then released onto the street to run along a route that concludes at Torre del Verdugo in Plaza de la Cueva Santa. There are no barriers along the side of the route; instead the twelve horsemen (who are selected at random) are tasked with guiding the bulls to where they need to go. The event is fast and intense, living out a tradition whose first written reference dates to 1386.
The spectators pack the sand-filled street, jumping out of the way of the bulls as they pass by. The horsemen use sticks to guide the bulls and wear red neck scarves. Entrada de Toros y Caballos is an exciting event held in a beautiful town. Don’t miss it.
International tourist interest