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  • Requena, Utiel, Venta del Moro, Camporrobles, Caudete de las Fuentes, Sinarcas, Fuenterrobles, Villargordo del Cabriel, Chera
Come and explore a county defined by incredible landscapes that are filled with vines and wineries where it couldn’t be easier to enjoy wine tourism and the naturescapes.


La Plana de Utiel-Requena is a county in inland province of Valencia where wine tourism, active tourism and great landscapes abound. This is a fantastic destination to explore. Keep reading to discover some of the experiences you can enjoy here and then start planning your trip to see it all first-hand. 

Municipalities in La Plana de Utiel-Requena: what to see

This county has a lot to offer, meaning that although we shall seek, in this post, to recommend some of the best points of interest in each municipality, to name them all would be impossible. We encourage you to take the time to find out much more about each and every destination.

Camporrobles is sure to be a destination of interest for archaeology buffs thanks to El Molón Archaeological Site, which is swept up in beautiful natural scenery. In Caudete de las Fuentes, you can wander around the remains of the old city of Kelin at Los Villares Walled Iberian Settlement. Travelling to La Plana de Utiel-Requena is akin to journeying back in time.

The castle in Chera will transport you back to the 12th century while Fuenterrobles is home to Telegrafía Óptica Tower, built in the 19th century, where you can discover the story of early telegraphs. Requena and Utiel both boast medieval underground cellars, excavated to store food and wine, and Sinarcas has a Grain Museum, housed in an old flour factory, which we would recommend stopping off at. 

In Venta del Moro, you should take a look at the Visitor Centre at Hoces del Cabriel Natural Park: you’ll be surprised by everything you’ll learn here. In Villargordo del Cabriel, make sure you get a picture of the beautiful 19th century bridge over Contreras Reservoir.

There are also small pedanías (small districts located outside the centre of a municipality) sprinkling the landscape. And this is just a small sample of everything that awaits. 

Things to do in La Plana de Utiel-Requena: active tourism

If you’re on the look out for hiking trails and outdoor activities, La Plana de Utiel-Requena has got all the options you could possibly hope for and more. Hoces del Cabriel Natural Park is a particular highlight, which is defined by beautiful, near magical, surroundings where you can go kayaking, canyoning, rafting, bungee jumping and more. And then, of course, there’s hiking, which is nothing but joy in an area that UNESCO has listed a Biosphere Reserve. 

Hoces del Cabriel is not, however, the only protected natural landscape in the county: Chera-Sot de Chera Natural Park will also take you aback with its incredible geological formations that you’re going to love catching on camera. 

Activities in La Plana de Utiel-Requena: wine and culinary tourism

La Plana de Utiel-Requena is a winemaking county and world-class wine destination where you can enjoy experiences like staying overnight in wineries, strolling amid the vines and taking guided tours and tasting sessions.

It has not one but two Designation of Origins to its name: one is for a cava, which quickly met the ambitious quality standards as the other wines from Utiel-Requena. The variety of flavours and aromas for you to choose from is extensive. One to look out for is the bobal variety, which is a native grape.

These internationally recognised vintages are best served alongside La Plana de Utiel-Requena’s typical gastronomy. In addition to the delicious artisan-made sausages (which have their very own yearly fair in Requena), you can’t leave without savouring inland dishes that are loaded with flavour and tradition.

And there’s still plenty more for you to enjoy in this part of the province of Valencia. You keen to experience it in the flesh?