The Gay Games 2026 is coming to València
Published 09/12/2021
The capital of the Region of Valencia is in celebration mode: the Gay Games is coming to València city in 2026!
València is proud to announce that the Gay Games are coming to the city in 2026. Promoting the spirit of inclusion and participation, this great sports event is set to be an unforgettable experience for locals and visitors.
The capital of the Region of Valencia was successful in its bid to host the Gay Games for a number of reasons. First off, València is well connected thanks to its international airport. The city is also a great holiday destination with plenty of culture, heritage and gastronomy to enjoy. And it’s committed to sustainability and protecting green spaces. But most importantly, València is a safe and welcoming LGBTQIA+ space and a destination with experience in hosting important sports events such as the Valencia marathon.
As represented by the colourful stripes of the flag, the Gay Games are for anyone who wants to take part, however they identify. Everyone is welcome whatever their sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender identity, cultural and religious identity, age, ability status or sporting prowess. Making us all potential participants!
Indeed, the majority of the people taking part in the Gay Games are allies wanting to show their support for LGBTQIA+ people. This means that respect for all identities and a desire to take part are the only criteria to put yourself forward to be selected.
The disciplines at the Gay Games 2026 are set to be as diverse as the participants. At the upcoming edition, you can expect to see water sports, sailing, athletics, badminton, basketball, beach volleyball, road cycling, fencing, hockey, figure skating, football, golf, kayak polo, martial arts and much, much more.
But that’s not all. There will also be games of pilota valenciana, dance and animation competitions, quidditch matches, e-sports and more. We can’t wait for this vibrant celebration of diversity to hit València city. Will we see you there?
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