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Every Easter, Alzira puts on a programme of traditional events that commemorate the Passion of Christ.

Alzira’s Easter traditions date back centuries; indeed, 16th century documents reference one of the most historic religious brotherhoods in the town, namely Cofradía de la Preciosísima Sangre de Jesucristo, which is also known as Cofradía de la Soledad.

The numbers speak of the size of the event. Over 7,000 members of the brotherhoods take part in the Holy Week traditions and 25 beautiful processions take to the street.

The festival has been listed an Event of National Tourist Interest thanks predominantly to the work of Junta de Hermandades y Cofradías y de los Clavarios Mayores de la Ciudad which organises a number of events: Pregón, Nit de les Miradetes (a procession on Maundy Thursday), the transfers, the Via Crucis and Exposición de los Pasos en los Doseles, which dates back to the 17th century.

All the religious brotherhoods in the town take to the street for the Ramos, Silencio and Santo Entierro processions, chronologically depicting the 24 stages of the Passion while, as tradition dictates, sweets and sugared almonds are handed out to the crowds.

Listed Intangible Cultural Heritage, Tamborada de Alzira is a series of drum performances and another highlight of Alzira’s Holy Week calendar. Come to the town at Easter to experience its historic traditions and festivals for yourself.

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Type of interest

National tourist interest