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A lively festival which enjoys the continuity recovered since 2001 and gaining more followers each year. Lively troupes of Moors, Christian and Smugglers parade through the streets of the historic centre of Alzira (BIC), and the main avenues of the town.

Squads of Moors and Christians remember the historical past of Alzira with dances, war elements and the figures of King James I and Queen Violant of Hungary. All accompanied by the rhythm of the drums and brass bands. The Moors and Christians of Alzira have 16 troupes that are structured into eight squads of eight on the Moors side and 8 squads on the Christian side.

The festivity includes different events, such as the Proclamation of the festival, the false parade, and the djellabas and robes dance or the large "Arcabuzada" (arquebus shoting) through the streets of the town.

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Primer fin de semana de octubre

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Type of interest

Local tourist interest