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Multimedia Gallery
- Font d'En Carròs, la
- 46717
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The Sant Antoni del Porquet feast of la Font d'en Carròs starts in the 16th century in the neighborhood known today as the hermitage of Sant Antoni, an old rabal located outside the walls of the town, inhabited in its great majority by Moors and Moriscos. Today comes to be celebrated annually, the weekend after January 17, the day of the saint to whom his name is obeyed.
The preparatory acts of the feast begin the week before the celebration with liturgical acts that are carried out in the parish of the town and that it is officiated by the priest. Then, a triduum is carried out to the hermitage of Sant Antoni in honor of the saint who gives name to our party.
Arriving the weekend of celebration, the night of Saturday, ignites the traditional bonfire of Sant Antoni, made with firewood collected by the own festeros of Sant Antoni. Once the bonfire is thrown, a popular dinner is celebrated.
The following day, Sunday, the blessing takes place on the part of the priest of the animals and panbenets made and distributed by the festers after the solemn mass in honor to Sant Antoni in the place of the hermitage.
Apart from solemn acts, other acts are also celebrated. First, the medieval market in the neighbourhood of the Hermitage of Sant Antoni, open to the public all Saturday and Sunday. Traditional crafts such as pottery, esparto, glass, goldsmiths and handicrafts are performed, and activities are organized for all ages, such as traditional games and workshops.
Around the medieval market is installed the traditional porrat. Formerly, the porrat consisted of some stops where you could buy sweets, nougats, nibbles, mostillo and carvings, etc. The tradition of riding these stops around religious festivities has endured in time.
Another important event is la Trobada de Boixets, which has been held for several years on the same Sunday. The boixeteres of municipalities of the Valencian Community come and also of the rest of communities of Spain. That encounter culminates with a popular meal of baked rice. It is a very endearing act.
It is a historical element that has united several towns of the Safor to form, from the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Safor, the denominated Ruta dels Porrats. This route is becoming increasingly important because of its cultural, recreational and tourist aspect.
It is also worth mentioning that this festival has been declared of Local Tourist Interest since 2008.
This festivity takes place the last weekend in January.
Local tourist interest