Riba-roja de Túria

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Discover a town populated with fascinating historic sites and where the river Turia turns into a natural park full of lovely scenery. Start planning your trip to Riba-roja de Túria.
Just 20km from València city, Riba-roja de Túria is the perfect destination if you are keen to soak up some history and take a walk through a natural park. How about we take a look around and discover the town’s secrets?
What to see in Riba-roja de Túria
From the moment you step foot in Riba-roja de Túria you will be transported back in time. Sitting on the banks of the river Turia, this part of the province of Valencia was a popular choice for settlers. Iberians, Romans, Visigoths and Muslims all settled here, leaving marks of their time here behind.
The list of archaeological sites is extensive: Fonteta Raquia, which dates back to the Iberian period; the Magbara Moorish cemetery; the Visigoth fort València la Vella; the Roman villa Pou de Sargeta; and beside all this, the incredible Visigoth archaeological site of Pla de Nadal, which you can learn all about in its dedicated museum housed in the castle.
The 11th century castle is one of the main sights in the centre of Riba-roja de Túria. Not only does it house the Pla de Nadal museum, it is also home to Museo de Cerámica del Castillo, the castle ceramic museum, or MUCA for short. We’d recommend taking a guided tour around Casa de la Molinera, a mill whose rooms you can explore. Also worth putting on your to-visit list are the classicist town hall, the slaughterhouse, the bullring and the parish church. A wonderful way to enjoy all these heritage sites is to walk the Ruta del Agua (the water walk), which passes by most of these sights and more like the old bridge, the cistern and the wash house.
Just outside Riba-roja de Túria, we’d highly recommend you take a walk through El Turia natural park which connects different destinations and places steeped in history.
In terms of festivities, Riba-roja de Túria’s calendar is full of events you won’t want to miss: San Antonio, Fallas, Altares de San Vicente, races, jazz festivals, Moors and Christians, Fiesta dels Fadrins in August, and the patron saint festivities and foodie days in September. So what do you say? Fancy giving all the above a try in your getaway to Riba-roja de Túria?