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Take in the striking blend of architectural styles that define the historic València Town Hall.

Ayuntamiento de València, València Town Hall is an iconic landmark and the true heart of the city's social, festive, and cultural life. Its origins lie in the merging of two historic buildings - the Casa de la Enseñanza, a former girls’ school taken over by the municipality in 1854, and the Cofradía de la Sangre Church. In the early 20th century, a building block designed by architects Francisco Mora and Carlos Carbonell Pañella was added, completing this impressive structure.

The building’s façade showcases Mannerist and Baroque-inspired ornamentation, with a striking central clock tower and allegorical statues. Two towers frame the iconic balcony, from which the start of the mascletà - the spectacular daily firecracker display held from the 1st to 19th of March during the Fallas festival - is announced.

Step inside València Town Hall and you’ll be greeted by a grand Neoclassical marble staircase, an elegant inner courtyard and crystal hall. Don’t hesitate to book a guided tour to explore this iconic landmark and its important role in the city’s past, present and future.

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De lunes a viernes 08.00 a 15.00 h.