School trips to the river Cabriel

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Precio: 89€ Incluye estancia Régimen Full-board accommodation Duración 5

We have over 20 years of experience in activities and programmes for school children (6- to 18-year-old). We offer one-day activities as well as packages that include several days' stay with adventure activities in natural surroundings. It will be a gratifying, unforgettable experience for them and their safety is guaranteed (we have insurance and experienced professional supervisors).
Our programmes are designed so that students will have fun and teachers won't have to worry about anything.

Accommodation in Venta del Moro.
# Availability
All year
# Services included
Two days/one night full board
Two adventure activities
One night out
# Other services
350 €
24-hour supervisor.
More information

From 9:30 to 14:00