Iglesia Colegiata de la Asunción de Nuestra Señora

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Plaza Calixto, III
- Xàtiva
- 46800
Stage to important historic events such as the ascent to pontificate of Popes Calixto III and Alejandro VI, members of the Borja family born in Xátiva, the Collegiate church is an exceptional example of "manierismo". The building brings together all the characteristics to please lovers of art and Neo classical architecture, inside, visitors can find a Valencian jewel in this style: the Main Altar. In this religious picture is the image of the Patron of the city, the ‘Virgen de la Seo’, work of the artist Mariano Benlliure, venerated during festivities in honour of the Patron Saint. Also inside, the ‘Altar del Nazarene’ also awakens great expectations. The architectural design of the exterior is characterised by a combination of styles manifested in each of its four lateral doors, including the ‘Porta dels Escalons’, in the north facade. Its "manierista" style puts emphasis on the apse and the chapels of the "girola".