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Easter in Almoradi is a mixture of fervour, art and tradition and it has been held since the late eighteenth century. The first brotherhoods holding processions through the streets of Almoradi were: the Holy Sepulchre, San Juan de la Palma, Our Lady of Sorrows, Jesus of Nazareth, the Samaritan, the Virgin of the Rosary and the Christ of the Bells. But it was not until the 40s when these brotherhoods were really organized and new ones such as the Brotherhood of the Arrest, San Pedro and the Silence were created. Initially, the organization of the processions was held by the priest on duty and the presidents of the Brotherhoods. The Mayor Board of Brotherhoods and Fraternities was created as such in 1976. A few days before Easter, the Board edits and publishes a magazine where all the brotherhoods and all the events taking place during Lent and Easter are scheduled. The processions start on Palm Sunday afternoon, with Our Lady of Sorrows, and culminates on Easter Sunday, with the participation of all the Brotherhoods. In addition to the processions during Holy Week, Masses for the souls of the deceased and triduums, as well as lectures and choral and musical concerts, are some of the many liturgical events organized. The Saturday before the start of Easter, a representation of the oratorio 'Messiah' takes place, one of the most important religious ceremonies of Almoradi, performed today as we know it since 1995. Since 1947, during the procession of Holy Tuesday, parts of the passion of Jesus and prayer in the garden and the arrest or the washing of Pilate, were performed with rudimentary means. This representations lasted until the early years of the 60s. The importance of Easter in Almoradí was recognized in 2009 upon receipt of the Declaration of Tourist Interest by the Ministry of Tourism.

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Local tourist interest