Multimedia Gallery

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Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 10.00 - 13.30 h., De 17.00 - 20.30 h. Saturday y Sunday : 10.00 -13.30 hrs.

This museum was founded to exhibit and preserve the thrones and images traditionally used during the town's remarkable Holy Week processions in several sculptural groups: Oración del Huerto (The Prayer in the Garden), Flagelación (Flagellation), Nuestro Padre Jesús (Our Lord Jesus), Las Marías (The Marys), La Magdalena (The Magdalene), San Juan (St. John), Verónica, Calvario (Calvary), La Cruz (The Cross), El Entierro (The Burial) and El Resucitado (The Resurrected). Made from carved gilt wood with Orrico silver on the thrones, the pieces vary greatly in style, from the classical model by Salzillo to innovative forms by Hernández.