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Semi-natural cove of stones of 800 m long and 20 m wide, Amerador Beach is a semi-natural shingle beach with peaceful waters.

The name “Amerador” stems from local farmers’ bygone practice of using this beach to soak (amerar) the esparto grass that they collected from nearby hillsides such as Xixí, Ballestera and Les Puntes de Gosàlvez in order to make farming and household implements, and even shoes.

Getting There:

By Tram: Stop - Amerador




Survillabce and lifesaving


Bus Stop

Tram Stop

Car park

More information
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Zona de baño no controlada por la consejeria de medio ambiente

Quality and Environment Certificates
ISO 14001 ISO 9001
Grava Chiringuito Windsurf Restaurante Parking Cala FFCC