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The protagonists of these festivities are ten Confraternities and Brotherhoods which come to the processions. On Palm Sunday palm leaves are shown and the mantilla procession is celebrated. Easter Sunday is represented with the meeting of the Holiest Virgin and the procession of the Resurrection, in which the image of the “Immaculate Conception in mourning” is paraded, accompanied by the Confraternities. The Holy Week of Guardamar is characterised by the staging of the ‘Passion’ in the streets of the locality. There are all together five acts: Palm Sunday, entry into Jerusalem; on Holy Monday, the staging of the Last Supper and the Capturing of Jesus, together with the Confraternity of Jesus' Prayer in the Garden of the Olive trees. On Holy Tuesday, the staging of the washing of Pilate with the procession of the Brotherhood of the “Paso” of the Flagellation of the Lord and on Friday morning, the staging of the meeting of the “Verónica”.

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Autonomous tourist interest