Iglesia Parroquial de los Santos Cosme y Damián

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Plaça Major, 14
- Llíber
- 03729
- contact information
- 966 48 05 22
- valldepop@touristinfo.net
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The church we see today is not the first to be built in the village of Llíber. The one we have before our eyes began to be built on 12th December 1859 and was finished in 1875.
If we refer to the first Christian temple, we have to go back to 1535, when the Mudejar population (Muslims in Christian territory) were forced to convert to Christianity and from that moment onwards became known as Moriscos (Muslims converted to Christianity).
We speak of a Christian temple and not a church because it was not a building constructed for that purpose, but rather a building that was transformed and reconverted just as it had been for its settlers. In fact, it was the old mosque where, when the Muslim population dominated the territory, they went to worship their God.
The one we have here, dedicated to Saints Cosme and Damian, is a neoclassical church with a rectangular floor plan, a single nave with three bays and side chapels between buttresses. On the outside and on one side we can see the bell tower, which is a hexagonal tower with three sections.
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