Multimedia Gallery

The original layout of the docks, in the form of a semicircle, enables the complete integration of the installations with their surroundings. The port is situated in a small inlet and is suitable for small craft with a light draught. There is an expansion project underway which entails an increase in the number of berths.


Catamaran and dinghy sailing Nautical clubs and marinas
Seguridad Portico Lavanderia Gasoil Recogida de Basuras Farmacia Peluqueria Alimentación Taxis Aseos Radio Talleres Informacion Piscina Banco Medico Botiquin Hotel Rampa Edificio Social Correos Bar Venta de Embarcaciones Hielo Restaurante Alquiler de coches Gasolina Grua Duchas Tiendas Nauticas Almacen Muelle de Espera Bandera Azul Cabestrante Area de Carenaje Aparcamiento View More Hide