Las Lagunas de La Mata-Torrevieja Ornithological Route (birdwatching)

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Precio: 78€ Duración 4h-8h
Get ready for an unforgettable experience in the middle of nature as we explore the fascinating lagoons of La Mata-Torrevieja and discover the rich bird life that inhabits this protected area! Next to one of the few vineyards that survived phylloxera, we find two lagoons of endorheic origin that make up 3,700 ha of Natural Park in one of the most touristic and densely populated areas in the south of Alicante. The natural origin of these lagoons is not an obstacle to the fact that today they are home to one of the salt farms with the highest salt production in Europe. The osprey has here one of its wintering areas, highlighting also the presence of a large number of black-necked grebes. The proximity to the sea, and to the rest of the wetlands, makes this Natural Park home to an extraordinary ornithological richness that, together with the chromatic beauty of the landscape, will be an unforgettable experience.

This natural park is formed, as its name indicates, by two main lakes that are separated from each other by an anticline, called El Chaparral. There is a canal that connects both lakes and, at the same time, two other canals that communicate the lakes with the sea, forming a salt exploitation unit. The park is used as a salt mine and is also an important nesting and wintering area for more than a hundred birds: flamingos, ducks, stilts and shelducks are just a few examples.

Our adventure will begin with a warm welcome at the meeting point, where our experienced ornithological guide will receive us with enthusiasm and explain everything we need to make the most of the experience.

As we enter the lagoon habitat, our guide will share his in-depth knowledge of the different species of birds that inhabit the area, from pink flamingos to avocets and grey herons. With the help of binoculars, we will have a better chance to observe these majestic birds in their natural environment and learn about their unique habits and behaviors.

During the tour, we will make several strategic stops at privileged observation points, where we will have the opportunity to marvel at the panoramic views of the lagoons and capture breathtaking photographs of the wildlife.

And to recharge your batteries, we will enjoy a delicious snack or picnic in an idyllic setting, surrounded by the tranquility and beauty of nature. Savor a selection of local products while you relax and enjoy the company of your fellow hikers.

At the end of the excursion, we will return to the starting point with a heart full of unforgettable memories and the satisfaction of having explored one of the most beautiful and surprising corners of the area.

Join us on this exciting ornithological adventure and discover the lagoons of La Mata-Torrevieja in the company of experts! Book your place now and get ready to live an experience that will connect you with nature in a unique way. We are waiting for you to explore the world of birds together!



 Half-day field (4h) or full-day (8h). 


   8 km.



Interpretation center of the N.P. of the lagoons of La Mata-Torrevieja or place to be agreed in case of requesting transfer (additional price per person).

The client needs his own vehicle to get to the meeting point or to request a transfer (additional price on request).

If you need transfer to get to the meeting point and back (additional price per person) and to determine the meeting point please contact us to request it in advance.

For any information please contact us by email at or by phone at 622 20 22 10/639 69 38 28.

SCHEDULE: To be determined according to the time of the year by sunrise and sunset.

**The stipulated price is for a minimum group of 6 people and a maximum of 20. Consult prices for other minimum number of people
# Availability
All year
# Services included
Ornithological guide throughout the route
Snack or picnic
# Other services
0 €
Transfer (transfer round trip) (price per person on request)
More information



Half day (4 hours) or full day (8 hours)
Departure time to be determined according to the time of the year by sunrise and sunset.