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This marina was built within the fishing harbour for mooring recreational craft and has a capacity of nearly 300 moorings. It has a full range of harbour services and has the added attraction of a busy fish market where fresh fish is brought in every evening. The modern well-run installations offer a recreational area and the club organises regattas and has a catamaran available for excursions.


Nautical clubs and marinas Nautical Charter Catamaran and dinghy sailing Sailing schools
Taxis Correos Almacen Alimentación Medico Gasolina Informacion Alquiler de coches Tiendas Nauticas Seguridad Hielo Aseos Talleres Rampa Edificio Social Lavanderia Gasoil Recogida de Basuras Farmacia Botiquin Telefono Grua Duchas Aparcamiento Peluqueria Banco Area de Carenaje Restaurante Hotel Cabestrante Venta de Embarcaciones Bar Radio Portico View More Hide