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Language: Spanish

Duration: 90 min

Artistic file: Version and adaptation: Bernardo sánchez / Pepe Viyuela; Stage direction: Luis d'Ors; The guitón: Pepe Viyuela; Accompanying musician: Sara Águeda



Stage director with more than 20 productions professionally premiered at the Teatro Español in Madrid, Teatro de La Abadía, Sala Cuarta Pared, etc. Responsible for many creation and pedagogical projects in various education centers such as RESAD, Universidad Complutense, University of Kent, Escuela Tai, Jana.


Actor, clown, graduate in Philosophy and Dramatic Art. He has developed his career primarily in

theater, participating in functions such as The Foundation; The altarpiece of greed, lust and death, Rhinoceros, The mayor of Zalamea, The mocker of Seville, Miles Gloriosus, The frogs, Metamorphosis, Waiting for Godot and Tartuffe.

Plot: The fight for survival in a world and an environment full of hostilities leads the protagonist to lack scruples and break all moral standards that are put in front of him. The lie occupies a

such an important place in her life that it is difficult not to feel an appeal to the abuse that we do to her today. The lack of empathy for our fellow human beings and the dehumanization that this entails is also present in Onofre's personality. There are many themes that make us feel that the work is talking to us about things that are happening to us now.

At times we find Onofre adorable, others think that he is someone deeply despicable and vengeful. We fall in love with him at the same time we can hate him. This is a character with so many folds and reliefs that he manages to appeal to our conscience and make us ask ourselves questions about ourselves and the possibilities we would have to behave like him.

Finally, humor is so present in Gregorio González's text that, despite dealing with thorny topics such as corruption, lack of scruples or crime, the viewer does not stop feeling that the smile and laughter make him happy. They visit constantly.

It has simply seemed more and more like a necessary and fun spectacle to us.

# Availability
All year