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Castelló de la Plana celebrates La Magdalena with a mix of traditional events, pyrotechnical spectacles and live performances. Nine days of excitement await.

Fiestas de La Magdalena is a festival that pays homage to the traditions and origins of Castelló de la Plana. Each year, the city comes to life with events, such as pilgrimages (Romería de les Canyes) and processions (Desfile de Penitentes, Desfile de Gaiates). These moments speak of the essence of the city, coming together to create a truly unique and special celebration.

The traditional elements of the festival are paired with other extraordinary events. Music concerts, mascletás (dramatic rhythmic pyrotechnical spectacles), firework displays, live performances and animation for kids envelop the streets of Castelló de la Plana in a haze of light, colour and excitement.

Come along to experience the thrill and energy of a celebration that epitomises of the culture of the city.

*Please confirm event times and dates have not changed.

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Tercer sábado de Cuaresma

Start date


Ending date


Type of interest

International tourist interest