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Housed in an 18th century townhouse, City Museum of Castelló is dedicated to the traditional trades and professions of Castelló de la Plana.

Museu de la Ciutat de Castelló (City Museum of Castelló), in Castelló de la Plana invites you to take a look at the trades and professions that defined the area in the past. An exploration that will immerse you in local customs, traditions and culture.

An elegant 18th century townhouse is home to the museum. There are three floors divided into different sections. The first and second floors display items relating to popular trades and professions in both the country and the city while the third floor is dedicated to the traditional outfits local people would have worn in the past. There are also a number of different rooms housing temporary exhibitions relating to the culture of the city.

Once you've wandered around the city, head to Museo de Etnología to find out more about how locals used to make a living. A fascinating glimpse at what peoples’ lives used to be like in the past. Well worth a visit.