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Gaze at the beautiful works of art that are housed in Museo de la Iglesia Arciprestal de Santa María la Mayor.

Siglo XIII

Morella is a beautiful village that breathes history, culture and tradition. Soak it all up as you lazily amble around the streets and visit all the sights you come across. Before too long you will find yourself standing in front of Santa María la Mayor archpriest church.

The basilica is a masterpiece of religious Gothic art in the Mediterranean. As you gaze at the striking façade, you will notice two beautiful doors framed with sculptures. Step foot inside and you will be taken aback by the interior, particularly by the choir staircase, a depiction of the Last Judgement and the vault of the choir.

Inside the church’s sacristy is Archivo-Museo Arciprestal. This museum exhibits Medieval paintings, which tell the story of the village’s past, works of art from the 15th and 19th century, and objects made from silver and gold, processional crosses, liturgical clothing such as those belonging to San Vicente Ferrer and Pope Benedict XIII.

The visit to the museum is included in the ticket price for the basilica. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a greater insight into the church’s artistry and history.