Ibera Station

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Multimedia Gallery

Precio: 9€

During the autumn, in Ademuz you can enjoy the Iberian Station, where you can get to know in situ the Iberians of La Celadilla de Ademuz. An Iberian settlement with amazing characteristics, as even human remains have been discovered.

In addition, you can enjoy activities such as dramatised visits, activities, workshops, Iberian gastronomic days...

And much more!

Stay tuned to our social networks @ademuzconlos5sentidos and our website, so you won't miss any news.

If you want to know more about this site, here is what has happened in previous years.

# Availability
All year
# Services included
Consult the website www.ademuzconlos5sentidos.com
More information

Consult the website www.ademuzconlos5sentidos.com