The Montduver Massif and the Buixcarró Sierra

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
This limestone massif, modelled and re-modelled by karstic erosion, presents a landscape of dolinas and caves whose centrepoint is the polje of Barx, with no surface outlet, because the waters drain out in subterranean streams through the l'Avenc de la Donzella. In the caves of Bolomor (Tavernes de la Valldigna), Parpalló (Gandia) and Les Malladetes (Barx), the first inhabitants of the Valencia region left numerous remains of their culture. In addition to these towns, Pinet and Xeresa are start-off points for picturesque excursions through this terrain offering interesting plant life and peculiar karstic scenery. The peak of Montdúver (841m) crowns the sierras lining the coast and provides an excellent lookout point over the surrounding shoreline.