CM Museu Parroquial de Bocairent
Multimedia Gallery
Multimedia Gallery
- Calle Abadía, 38
- Bocairent
- 46880
- contact information
- 962 350 062
- 639 835 593
- Access the web
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Coordinate visits.
Bocairent is an enchanting town that is steeped in art and history. As you wander the streets and explore the local museums, you will be immersed in an impressive world of artistry.
Museo Parroquial, the parish museum, is dedicated to religious art. The exhibitions present Valencian pieces in a range of different styles, from Gothic right through to the art movements of the 19th century.
The finest pieces of religious art to be produced in the Region of Valencia are on display here. You can stop to admire Joaquín Sorolla’s Estandarte de San Blas as well Mariano Benlliure’s bronze Cristo yaciente and a 16th century golden chalice. There are also pieces by Joan de Joanes, Mestre de Borbotó, Ribalta, Segrelles and many more renowned names.
The range of media is extraordinary. From gold and textiles to ceramics, paintings, sculpture and more, the pieces paint a diverse picture of holy art. If you love to take a look around the museums when you’re visiting a new destination, make sure you stop off at Museo Parroquial in Bocairent.