Buñol to Xàtiva

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Buñol
- contact information
- 962 503 886
- turismo@bunyol.es
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This driving and walking tour will take you from Buñol to Xàtiva. Start in Buñol and leave the town along the CV-425 heading to Cueva del Turche, a beauty spot where you can see an impressive waterfall and a beautiful pool. On this tour, you’ll see plenty of water in the form of river pools, lakes, reservoirs, springs and sources.
You’ll be enveloped in scenery that has largely been untouched by humankind, such as Macizo de Caroig and Muela de Cortes de Pallás. Another stop is Montesa castle, where you’ll be transported back in time to see what life was like six centuries ago. You’ll venture even further back at Cueva de la Araña, where you can see cave art that has been listed World Heritage, and back again to marvel at the footprints of dinosaurs. You cannot complete this tour on foot: you’ll need a car to get to these spectacular parts of the Region of Valencia.
As you leave Hoya de Buñol and enter La Canal de Navarrés, you’ll be greeted by beautiful spots including Salto de Millares, the Hoz de Júcar area and the Los Charcos pools. In the summer you won't be able to resist taking a refreshing dip in these places, but before you do, make sure that swimming is permitted.
The tour concludes in La Costera where you can visit Montesa castle and Xàtiva castle, a fitting end to an impressive tour.