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The Raúl Gómez Museum houses a valuable collection of archaeological finds, fossils and artwork that gives visitors an enriching insight into local history and heritage.

CM Museo Raúl Gómez, Raúl Gómez Museum, was founded in Camporrobles in 1982. This cultural treasure is the result of the work of a group of locals and scholars who realised that there was a need to preserve the pieces discovered in a number of local archaeological sites as a priceless testament to the history of the village. Initially, the mission was to gather the archaeological pieces but, over time, the collection grew significantly to include fossils, stuffed animals, clothing and work tools. As the donations kept coming in, the location of the museum has also changed to meet its need for more space. Patronato Martínez de la Mata currently houses the museum, offering greater opportunities for exhibitions and optimal conditions for the conservation of the pieces.

The museum was named after one of the founders, D. Raúl Gómez García, who played a fundamental role in the creation and maintenance of the museum. It is now a point of reference for the history and culture of Camporrobles and its surroundings. The collections offer an enriching experience that gives visitors an insight into the area’s ancient past and a deeper understanding of local identity and heritage. Dedicated to the preservation of historic and artistic legacy, the museum is a place where visitors of all ages can admire and learn from the collections.