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Fiesta del Xop is an age-old tradition that revolves around the black poplar tree. Find out what it’s all about.

On the second and fourth weekend of May, the village of El Palomar celebrates Fiesta del Xop, a traditional festival revolving around the black poplar tree that dates back millennia. The festivities begin the night before the big day with a shared dinner and live music performances.

Then comes the main event: the felling of the black poplar tree. The children of the village walk through the streets of El Palomar dressed as shepherds, announcing the great day has come, accompanied by drums, tambourines and castanets. After lunch, the locals gather to fell the tree. The tallest and straightest specimen is selected and then felled with axes and other tools that have been handed down the generations.

The tree is then carried to the village where it is planted in the main square. To celebrate, the locals share a tasty merienda, afternoon snack. For the next two weeks, the black poplar tree will stand tall in the square, bearing witness to all sorts of events, such as music, processions, concerts, games and other entertainment and fun. Bringing the festivities to an end, the locals bid farewell to the black poplar tree by beating it until it falls to the ground.

Fiesta del Xop is an age-old tradition that is still very much alive. A unique festival that really speaks of local customs and history.

*Please confirm event times and dates have not changed.

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Local tourist interest