Visita guiada a la Cova del parpalló
Multimedia Gallery
Multimedia Gallery
- Cueva del Parpalló
- Gandia
- 46728
- Centre d'interpretació paratge natural Parpalló-Borrell
- contact information
- 962 877 788
- Access the web
You can enjoy a fantastic guided tour of the Cova del Parpalló, a real wonder where some Upper Palaeolithic sites have been found, on Saturdays and Sundays in Gandia at the Centre d'Interpretació Parpalló Borrell.
This Site of Cultural Interest is made up of a calcareous rock shelter that forms part of the Mondúber massif; the remains found here show that it was inhabited for thousands of years long ago. Your getaway to Gandia can include this interesting historical and cultural tour. Come and discover it.
*Please confirm event times and dates have not changed.