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The tower of Paterna originally formed part of the defensive system of the Kingdom of Valencia, it is made up of three floors that are completed by a terrace. The ground floor, without access to the upper floors, was a cistern or water tank. The square first floor is spanned by an octagonal vault and also has the entry and stairs that lead up to the top level. The terrace of the top part is almost nine metres in diameter. The troncocónica shape structure, reaches an approximate height of 19,50 metres. It was restored in 1967 and received the qualification of Historical Artistic Monument of local interest in 1971 together with the surrounding caves. These caves arose from the crisis of the Former Regime, in 1824, 30 caves were registered, building up to a maximum of 495 in 1950, from then on they began to be abandoned or demolished up till 1971. These caves, excavated directly from the surrounding terrain maintain agreeable temperatures both in winter and in summer. Nowadays only eight of them can be visited, L ’ Espai Cultural Coves del Batà and the caves of craft workshops that form part of the great project of the city to recover lost trades.