Multimedia Gallery

Come to Requena to take a look around a pioneering museum with a fascinating contemporary art collection that will blow you away.

Siglo XIX

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Florencio de la Fuente, Florencio de la Fuente Contemporary Art Gallery in Requena, is centrally located next to Cuesta del Ángel and houses a collection defined by a vast selection of artistic influences and objects. Come for a visit and you will have the opportunity to see the work of renowned artists of the likes of Miró, Torner, Miquel Navarro, Tàpies, Mompó and Dalí and take a look around the extraordinary temporary exhibitions.

The building housing Florencio de la Fuente Contemporary Art Gallery is a historic place that is worth a visit in itself. Once you are here, make your way to the collections and you're sure to want to take your time looking at each and every piece.

Florencio de la Fuente was a collector of temporary art that wanted the work he collected to be enjoyed by the general public. His selection of sculptures, paintings, prints and other artistic media showcases his knowledge of trends and artists and his avant-garde approach. We recommend visiting Florencio de la Fuente Contemporary Art Gallery with all the family as contemporary art has the power to awaken your children’s imagination. You up for this family-friendly activity in Requena?