Registration is now open for the Open Days at the València la Vella archaeological site.

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Discover one of the most important Visigothic sites in Europe - don't miss this incredible opportunity!
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Start date


Ending date


València La Vella was a newly built Visigothic fortified city, built in the second half of the 6th century and covering an area of 5 hectares. Its wall is nowadays the most relevant element of the site.

The aim of these open days is to raise awareness of this magnificent site and to visit the latest interventions that have been carried out thanks to a grant received from Turisme Comunitat Valenciana. Also, it will be explained which are the future projects that will mark the scientific and museographic guidelines for the enhancement of the site.

The visit begins at the future interpretation centre. We will then head to the site where we will visit some of the structures discovered in the latest archaeological excavations.

Dates: July 17th

Time: 18.30

Duration: 1 hour

Meeting point: València la Vella metro station

We remind those interested that:


  Please be punctual.

  The visit is completely free of charge.

  Places are limited.

  Registration is done through a digital form without exception.

  It is necessary to have your own vehicle to travel to the site.

What do you have to do to register?

Fill in this on-line form and we will contact you. Form opening on July 2nd > Sign me up

If you have any questions please contact Tourist Info Riba-roja de Túria: 962772184

# Availability
All year