Mercado Municipal de Abastos in Albatera

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- C/ Mayor , 4
- Albatera
- 03340
- contact information
- 965 488 089
- 965 485 407
- Access the web
Mercado de Abastos in Albatera (La Vega Baja) is a food market that promises an unforgettable experience for all your senses. Open for over 50 years, the market is something of an institution in the town. Here you will find the freshest produce from the local area, which is on the Senda del Poeta, a walk that passes through the most important places connected to the life of the poet Miguel Hernández.
The building housing Mercado de Abastos was once a stable. The original layout can still be gleamed in the present-day building. In the year 1950, the stable was renovated to give the town a place to buy fresh produce. The design maintained the building’s original structure and removed the roof from a section in the centre. This area was given a fountain, creating an area where shoppers could relax in the centre of the market.
In the year 1989 the market underwent a further renovation. This time, the gap in the roof was covered to create the present-day structure. The design does still, however, have a small plaza where shoppers can escape the hustle and bustle to sit down and relax for a few moments.
If you’re in Albatera, in the province of Alicante, there are plenty of other things to visit. Start off by walking the Rambla Salada, a trail characterised by the presence of salt, before heading into the centre where you can see Santiago Apóstol parish church and Parque de la Huerta. And then to conclude your visit, why not cook up something delicious with the ingredients you bought at the market?