Almoradí invites you to its 29th annual National Theatre Festival!
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The 29th Muestra Nacional de Teatro, National Theatre Festival, in Almoradí takes place in April and consists of four plays all performed at Cortés Theatre. This year, the showcase kicks off on 5 April with the theatre piece "Infarto", starring actor Santi Rodríguez, who draws inspiration from a personal experience to great comical effect. On 13 April, Carlos Sobera stars in "Miles Gloriosus", a fun take on the classic play by Plautus. The comedy "Mentiras Inteligentes" with María Luisa Merlo is on 20 April, and this year’s edition ends on 26 April with Gabino Diego in "La Curva de la Felicidad", which is guaranteed to get you chortling in your seat. The curtains goes up at 8pm for every play, so get yours tickets and don’t miss the show!

*Please confirm event times and dates have not changed.

# Availability
All year