Puente, Noria y Presa

Multimedia Gallery

Multimedia Gallery
- Zona centro del municipio
- Rojales
- 03170
- contact information
- 966715001
- info@rojales.es
- Access the web
El conjunto de puente, noria y presa, the bridge, waterwheel and weir, are located in the lovely town of Rojales. Surrounded by the 'huerta' - picturesque fields lined with crops and vegetables - this little town resides in La Vega Baja, in the province of Alicante.
The bridge, waterwheel and weir lie along the riverbanks of Segura river and span three different centuries. The oldest construction is the weir, which was built in the 17th century. The bridge was built later in the 18th century, and the waterwheel was set up in the 19th century.
These historic sites are just a short walk from the centre of Rojales, so a good excuse for a stroll after a leisurely lunch in town. The three structures have served as the lifeline for the surrounding huerta for centuries, forming part of the area’s agricultural identity. The weir, located downstream from Carlos III bridge, serves to control and carry water through the waterwheel. The bridge joins two areas of Rojales, both of which have suffered frequent and dangerous flooding. Go for a wander around Rojales, take in the picturesque patchwork scenery of fields dotted with ancient agricultural structures such as these three. Take a peek into the Valencian rural way of living and witness how some of the tastiest local produce is cared for.