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This is a large marina that is located in the interior of the port. The variety of services and the size of the installations do not detract from them being excellent. The climate offered by this part of the coast of Alacant make it the choice of many craft from different countries as their wintering port. The marina has a lively atmosphere all year round.


Nautical clubs and marinas
Hotel Gasoil Bar Recogida de Basuras Area de Carenaje Informacion Tinglado Telefono Medico Restaurante Hielo Bandera Azul Talleres Rampa Banco Muelle de Espera Correos Piscina Grua Tiendas Nauticas Edificio Social Peluqueria Venta de Embarcaciones Cabestrante Aparcamiento Botiquin Alquiler de coches Seguridad Almacen Aseos Gasolina Taxis Alimentación Farmacia Portico Lavanderia Radio View More Hide